On my way to work, this morning I listened to a couple of devotionals from a book titled New Day New You by Joyce Meyer. Now, I do not particularly know much about Joyce Meyer beliefs or the doctrine she preaches, but I do enjoy listening to her on TV and find that through her sermons she challenges you to greatness. Part of her message spoke to me this morning. It was based on Psalms 109:22 “For I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me."
The gist of her message is that we should seek healing from God for our wounds or we might become wounded healers trying to minister to others. Once we are healed He can then use us to bring healing to others. She stated that God is not looking for wounded healers. If we are still bleeding and hurting from our own wounds we won’t be able to transmit to others the same aggressive faith that we would if we had already worked through those problems and experience victory from God.
It touched me because I want to be able to minister to my girls and transmit to them those lessons learned from my life and from my mistakes. Their well being and happiness is the most important thing to me. However, I tend to neglect my own well-being and as a result end up “bleeding” all over them because my own wounds are not healed yet.
Joyce’s message this morning has given me motivation to present my wounds to God and ask for His healing so He can better use me when ministering to my family and those around me.
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