
One Word

I was inspired by a post by Ali Edwards in her blog to choose a word to focus on in the new year. She did this last year too. This word is supposed to be your mantra for the year. (The word she chose for this year is VITALITY).

I have been thinking about this trying to come up with a word that would sum up what I want to focus on this New Year. “Peace” was the first thing that popped into my mind. I have felt so stressed out this year and just so restless, finding a way to attain peace would be wonderful. However, after playing with the word in my mind and trying to define what peace would mean to me I found the word too abstract. I looked at the list of words that people left in Ali’s blog comments and one finally stuck. Are you ready? My word is (drum roll, please) CONNECT. Ta dah!!

There are several definitions in the dictionary for this word, but this one better describes how I’m looking at it

CONNECT: be or become joined or united or linked; "The two streets connect to become a highway"; "Our paths joined”.

Over the last few years, I have slowly disconnected myself from a lot of things that normally would bring me joy and balance and this in turn filled me with unhappiness and depression. I want to work on connecting with my God, my self, my body, my family, my husband, my friends. Honestly, it seems an overwhelming and impossible wish right now. It’s unnatural for me to want to connect to something or somebody. I hate leaning on people or asking for help. Don’t know why, I’m usually happy to help others when asked. However, being this “self-sufficient” normally leaves me feeling alone and empty.

I found this little book Prayer Country: A Tour Guide to the Wonders of Prayer while visiting my in-laws over the holidays and decided to “borrow” it. I have started reading it and it has peak my interest to “explore” Prayer Country. She gives specific guidelines on different prayer methods that have brought positive results in her life. I will share with you my experiences.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.