Morning Routine
5:30 AM Alarm goes off and hit snooze for an hour and a half
6:45 AM Finally make it out of be. My body is so sore. Take quick bath, get dressed and go down to make breakfast and prepare lunches.
7:10 AM Kaitlin comes down and has breakfast.
7:30 AM Start waking up Natalie. Get her dressed and do her hair with her half asleep.
7:50 AM Say good-bye to Joel, he'll be staying at his office tonight.
7:52 AM Finally leave house, Kaitlin is upset we are running late, Natalie eats breakfast in the car.
8:08 AM Drop girls off at school.
While at Work
8:30 AM Arrive at the office.
9:38 AM Can't resist the urge to check Facebook. Do a quick check and go back to work.
1:00 PM Have lunch at work area. Take some pictures of work area.
3:06 PM Leave work to pick up girls.
After School Routine
3:32 PM Pick up girls and Jacqui.
4:00 PM Drop off Jacqui. Kaitlin prints homework at my dad's house. Natalie begs to play longer with Elena. Manage to leave without a big scene.
4:10 PM Finally arrive home. Kaitlin finishes homework and Natalie's works on decorating her pumpkin.
4:20 PM Start cooking dinner. Natalie is busy preparing homework for me to do and Kaitlin watches some T.V.
4:45 PM Dinner is ready and we eat. Girls decide to prepare some fancy sundaes for dessert. We all have some dessert and by this time I am pooped, Natalie looks at her American Girl catalog while I'm laying on the couch trying not to fall asleep.
Evening Routine
6:00 PM Kaitlin practices piano.
7:00 PM My dad arrives with my aunt Nidia. While we talk I upload some pictures to send to Walmart to print for my aunt.
7:30 PM I send girls to take a bath. Natalie is mad I have not yet done the homework she created for me to do. She goes to take a bath mad.
8:00 PM Ivette arrives with boys to say good-bye to my aunt. I leave for Walmart to pick up prints.
9:20 PM My aunt leaves with my dad. It was so sad to say good-bye it'll be several years before we see her again. Ivette and the boys leave.
9:30 PM I do a quick worship with the girls and turn out the lights.
9:35 PM I consider forgetting this project and just going to bed but will myself downstairs to upload the pictures and write this post.
In total I took 48 pictures today and most of them I had to force myself to do it. I spent the day feeling tired, and wishing I had chosen another week for this project. But I'll keep going. I'm sure at the end of the week I'll look back and be glad I stuck with it.

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