Happy Sabbath! I have to explain that this is a very non-typical Saturday for us. On a normal Saturday, we wake up and our morning activities revolve around last minute preparations for programs at church and getting ready to go to church. Both Joel and I are very involved in the girls’ Sabbath School and other church activities. So today is definitely not a typical day in my life.
We had planned on going away camping this weekend, but things just didn’t work out on that. However, we decided to just take the day to relax at home and do an informal worship with the girls. This afternoon we will be driving to Indianapolis were we have tickets to see the Sound of Music Musical at the Beef and Boards Dinner Theater in Indianapolis. This plan just came about yesterday, it is kind of crazy driving that long for it, but we think it will be a fun thing for the girls to experience.
Last night I did not sleep well at all. I woke up around 3:30 AM and could not go back to sleep. I feel like I am going to be getting a cold or something. My body aches all over. I went downstairs, read for a while, and went back to bed around 5:30AM.
7:04 – Natalie comes into our room announcing is DAYTIME. I say it is still dark outside and to go back to bed. She is not fooled but goes back to her room and I hear her playing.
8:40 – Joel goes downstairs with her and I hear them talking somewhat loud. I will myself out of bed to go take a picture of whatever it is they are doing. I find them at the computer looking at the Johnny West dolls on E-bay again. Natalie is apparently now obsessed with them. They are looking at the horses that came with the dolls.
9:15 – I hear that Kaitlin is also downstairs with them so I go down to see what they are doing. They are preparing breakfast. I talk to them for a while but then go back to bed. I’m just not feeling well. I have a headache and find the girls overly excited this morning. I guess is strange for them to not go to church and we still have not told them what we are doing later today.
10:00 – I go back to bed, Joel comes in to talk to me for a while, the girls are just coming in and out being loud and playful. Natalie and Kaitlin have a game of chase all over the house. I try to keep my cool. My head is exploding. We announce to them what we have planned for this evening and they are very excited indeed.
11:00 – Kaitlin starts playing the hymns she is learning in the piano, and some Christmas songs. It’s actually kind of relaxing to listen to. So much better than when she was playing violin!! She seems to be enjoying learning piano. Joel goes down to take a bath in the Jacuzzi. I need to get out of bed myself. We are going to do worship as soon as everyone has taken baths and gotten dressed and then we are starting the drive to Indianapolis.
I will post the afternoon and evening recap tomorrow. Hope you are having a happy and restful Sabbath!
Saturday Recap:
3:00 PM - We left for Indianapolis. Kaitlin and I had a big argument right before leaving about what she was going to wear. I have to admit I got a little more upset than necessary. Thankfully the trip to Indianapolis is long enough we were able to get over it before we got to the theater.
6:30 PM - We arrive at the theater for dinner. Both girls were very excited! It took a while for our turn at the buffet, but it was interesting to just watch the people. There were people dressed very fancy to people in jeans and T-shirts. Dinner was pretty good. Nothing too wonderful, but the girls were able to eat some of the things they had. The waiter came around with the dessert tray, and we all order dessert and ask them to bring it out during intermission. The girls entertained themselves watching how they take out the buffet and set the stage. Joel and I are reading the program and all of the sudden we notice that the dessert is not included in the dinner price. We assumed it was! We start panicking, because neither of us have any cash on us, and we have no idea how much the dessert was going to be. We talk about going out and finding a cash machine, and then Kaitlin remembers that her backpack was still in the car's trunk and she had her money there. We run out to the car and get the money. That sure saved us the embarrassment of having to cancel our dessert and then not even having money for tip. Oh the life of the poor!
8:00 PM - The show starts and both girls love it! Natalie gets really into it. Laughing outloud at the jokes. She keeps asking when they are going to bring her chocolate cake. As soon as the lights go out right before intermission, she says very loud WHERE IS MY CAKE? Thankfully, the people around thought that was pretty funny. The show ended at 10:30 PM and we started the three hour ride back home.
In general the show was very good, and the girls really enjoyed the experience. However, if we ever decide to do it again, we will probably do it as part of a weekend trip rather than a day trip. It's just too much driving to do it in just one day.
1:30 AM - We arrived home and went to bed.
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