Natalie lost her first tooth yesterday! The night before she had been in bed for about an hour when I heard her walking around upstairs and went up to see what was going on. She showed me a very loose tooth she apparently had been wiggling for a whole hour. She was excited but did not want me to "yank it out" just yet.
Yesterday when I went to pick her up at school she came running proudly showing me a little plastic bag with her little tiny tooth in it. It fell off during her morning class! I am a little sad! It is one of those “in your face moments” when you just have to admit your baby is growing up.
In other news, she also got her first Time-Out at school yesterday. As she was sitting in the kitchen having a snack, I asked her how things are going at school and if she is liking it. A little mischievous smile appeared in her lips and she told me that yes she liked school but she had gotten a time out today. The way she said it made me almost burst out laughing, so trying to appear more serious I asked her why she had gotten a time out. She explained she had been leaning her chair back and the teacher did not want her to because she might knock the bookcase down. Apparently, she kept on doing it and was sent to time out.
I asked her if she kept on doing it because she forgot what the teacher had said but she said "no, I just like to do it" (no remorse whatsoever) and then in a very serious voice she said "but mom, I am so lucky! Other kids got their time-out during playtime, but mine was during math! I about lost it again! But gathered myself enough to explain the importance of following rules and how they are there to protect her and the other children in her class. She replied with an "I know mom, I'll try not to do it again" and we just kept on going talking about other things.
It is very interesting to me the difference between my girls personalities. Kaitlin also got a time out once when she was in Kindergarten but the whole thing was very traumatizing for her. For Natalie is just another experience in school. Oh man! This parenting thing is a lot harder than it looks, isn't it?
1 comment:
That's a cute story. And I will have to agree this parenting thing is extremely hard. But the benefits...so worth the work!
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