Today I am overwhelmed with sadness. Seven years ago today, on a Wednesday evening, my life changed forever! A little earlier that evening, we had gotten some worrying phone calls that indicated there was a possibility my parents had been in a car accident in Atlanta. We tried unsuccessfully to communicate with them, and without being able to do much more, had uneasily started our evening routine, worried but hoping there had been some type of misunderstanding. I gave my daughter a bath and then we sat on the living room coloring some Christmas pictures.
Around 7 or 7:30PM there was a knock on the back door, and through the glass I saw the face of one of my parents old friend that lived closed by. I have no words to describe how I felt at that moment. My knees started to buckle under me, because I knew something horrible had happened for him to be at my door. I could not make myself open the door for him, and while screaming, I grabbed my daughter, ran to our bedroom, and closed the door. I knelt down pleading to God to be with me at this moment because I felt like I could not breathe. I did not know what had happened yet, but I had no doubt it involved death. Kaitlin was kneeling by me also praying, so distressed at seeing me like this. I got up and sat on the rocking chair rocking her, assuring her that things would be fine. I was really trying to assure myself.
In the kitchen, I could hear the voices talking to my husband. The pastor’s wife and one of my good friends were also there and they tried to come in to the room to talk to me, but I just could not. I turned them away; I just was not ready to hear their words. For a long time, I sat there rocking Kaitlin, crying for God to help me, praying. I heard everybody leave, and I knew it was time to find out. I was kneeling down in the middle of the room holding Kaitlin when Joel came into the room. The look in his face confirmed what I already knew… Looking at him, I just lifted two fingers (meaning if both of them had passed away), he understood and shook his head and lifted just one finger. “Which one?” I asked…. “Your mom.”
Incredibly, a sense of peace overtook me. Shock is a great thing! It protects your body from the initial unbearable pain. I told Joel “I feel a sense of peace knowing it was her and not my dad”. My dad and I have always had a very rocky relationship. Actually, I always had a rocky relationship with both my parents, but since the birth of my daughter Kaitlin, my mom and I had finally found a way to relate to each other and develop a relationship more similar to a friendship than that of a mother-daughter. We talked on a daily basis for hours. I always went to her whenever I was preparing a program for church. We both shared the same passion for Children’s Ministries. My relationship with my dad had remained unchanged since my childhood. He still related with me as if I was a 12-year-old child and I in return related to him as a child would. At that moment, I felt that if it had been my dad the one to pass away, the guilt and all the unresolved issues we had would have been harder for me to bear.
I feel very lucky to have had the chance to repair my relationship with my mother. To have seen her as a grandmother that adored her grandchildren, to relate to her as my friend. However, in days like these I also feel cheated that I did not have the chance to enjoy our healthier relationship a little bit longer. Seven years later, she now has seven grandchildren, three of them she never met. My relationship with my father has improved. I have been able to accept my past with him and I am slowly letting go of the resentments I once held. I wonder if this would have happened had she still been with us. She always acted as a buffer between my dad and me.
I know I am rambling, I have been an emotional wreck for a couple of weeks. This year the anniversary has hit me harder than in previous years. That has been my experience with grief, it comes and goes in waves. This post serves as therapy for me today, and a tribute to my mother whom I still painfully miss after all these years. This slideshow was the one we projected at her Memorial Service seven years ago.
Ileana. Sé exactamente como se siente, yo también perdí a mis padres y cada dia los extraño más.
Nada de lo que yo le pueda decir va aliviar su dolor; pero quiero que sepa que la acompaño en medio de su tristeza y recuerde que tenemos un Dios Misericordioso que nos da la fortaleza para seguir en la lucha y la esperanza de volver a ver a nuestros amados cuando Cristo venga en las nubes de los Cielos.
Voy a orar mucho por Ud y su flia.
Dios les bendiga y que tengan un Sábado lleno de bendiciones y regocijo.
Besos para las Niñas.
Abrazos, Lina
I will try to fight back the tears long enough to leave you a note. How the years have gone by since tia's accident, and I never knew what you went through that night. I cannot begin to imagine what you felt. All I can say is that I am so glad you mended your relationship and that we were all able to spend time with her that year before the accident. I know it may not bring you any peace to say this, but she is in a much better place, as cliche as that may sound.
I'm here for you always.
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