Woke up sore from an impromptu 4-mile walk with Joel last evening.
I wish I had the will power to get up at 5AM and do this every day.
It feels great in an excruciatingly painful kind of way.
We left earlier than normal this morning to have time to pick up a borrowed bike that
Kaitlin can use today at school.
All the kids in her class that turned in all of their work on time get to spend the afternoon at the school track riding bikes and relaxing.
I did not realize Kaitlin’s bike was too small for her already.
Dropped off girls and went to grocery store to finish their lunches.
We did many things yesterday, but grocery shopping was not one of them.
Dropped lunches off with school secretary.
Arrived to work already feeling drained.
While waiting for my computer to boot up
found joy looking at the little things around my desk that remind me of
what is important in my life.
Took pictures and decided to blog about it.
Took pictures and decided to blog about it.

Every morning is a fresh opportunity
to find God’s extraordinary joy
in the most ordinary places. – Janet Weaver
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