Natalie is home alone this week. Well, not literally, we are there with her, but she is feeling a little out of sorts. Kaitlin stayed in Lincoln, NE with her grandparents. We are picking her up in two weeks.

This is not to say that Natalie is not enjoying her being the Only Child status. No fights over who gets to use the computer, what TV program to watch, undivided attention from dad or who gets to sleep with mom. She loves it! Nevertheless, throughout the day, she has moments when she misses her big sister and wishes Kaitlin was there to enjoy things with her.

Monday night as we were lying down on Kaitlin’s bed, she looked at me and said, “I miss my sister. Do you know that my eyes got wet during prayer when we were leaving Nebraska?” She did get emotional when we were leaving, and cried a little when hugging Kaitlin good-bye. I think it was a combination of knowing she was going to miss her and a little of envy that she did not get to stay also. It was so sweet and a little heart breaking to watch!

Having two sisters myself, I have a high regard for the sister relationship. I cannot imagine life without my sisters (although I have tried :) from time to time). They have always been the only constant in my life. Growing up as a pastor’s kid, we moved around a lot and it was hard to be constantly making new friendships and relationships. It was comforting to know they were there unconditionally. Our relationship is not perfect, it actually borders on being dysfunctional at times, but the link is always there.

I worry sometimes that because the girls are so far apart in age (6 ½ years) they will not be as close to each other. I pray about it all the time and try to build in them a sense of how important it is to nurture their relationship.

From time to time, watching them interact with each other I get a little reassurance that maybe, just maybe, they will grow up close and play a positive and integral part in each other’s life.

1 comment:
I know what you mean about the sister bond (having four myself.) There is really no friend like a sister!
I so hope that Kristen and Katya develop that same type of bond!
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