The morning was uneventful and we left for school according to plan. Both girls were a little nervous so they were acting extra silly on the way to school. Once there things got a little more hectic since the school changed a bit their system on first day of school.

While standing in line with Natalie, I overhead another mom say that there were two first grade classrooms. I panicked because I had called the school last week to confirm and they told me then they were still planning to have just one classroom.
I left Natalie in line and went to the office to find out what class she was in and sure enough, she had been assigned to the new teacher's classroom. I felt bad giving the school officials more stress on such a hectic day, but I just knew Natalie would have a meltdown if she was not with the teacher she was expecting. We had worked with her during the summer preparing her for first grade with Ms. Y.

Luckily, by the time she came into the classroom, things had been taken care of. She showed a little bit of nerves, when the teacher told her to go sit at one of the desks with no name, but handled herself pretty well. I went to the other classroom, took her name sticker, and put it on her desk and that made her feel much better. I snapped a picture of her and then she shoo me out of the classroom.
Here is my cute First Grader

With all this last minute commotion, I was not able to go and see Kaitlin in her classroom. I peeked in the gym while they were waiting to go to class and she looked content talking to her friends. She struggled all summer feeling anxious about starting 7th grade and wondering if she was going to be OK to the point of wishing classes would start so she could get it over with. When I picked her up this afternoon, she was all smiles and feeling good about things.

Another school year, another milestone in both girls' lives. I hope their year is full of good times and amazing experiences.

P.S. This afternoon I was reading through some blogs and found this quote by another mom talking about her kids first day of school and how she tries to foster independence so they grow strong “The easiest way to make life hard on your children is to make it soft for them”. Kind of made me re-think my whole meddling this morning changing classrooms, etc. :) It is hard to stop yourself sometimes from trying to make their life as easy as possible. Isn’t it?
Kristen is thrilled that her and Kaitlin got so many electives together.
Oh, and the surprise new teacher thing: that happened to us last year on the first day of school. And, unexpectedly Jack and Katya were split up on the first day. I was feeling pretty anxious about it, esp. having no warning, but Jack LOVED Mrs. S~ and had a completely fabulous year. In fact this year, he asked me if the two classes were split up again, could he go to the smaller class like last year, cause they got to do more fun stuff! Hmmm. (P.S. I'm still kind of anxious about this yrs. 3rd grade situation, but mostly because I don't know what's going on with this huge class and one teacher. But, trying to have faith right now that it will all work out. The kids are happy, at least!)
Your "soft" quote has me thinking and maybe will generate a post with my thoughts on that. My kids are living a completely different life than I did as a child, you know.
Ily, I can't get over how big they are. Can you believe the Nat is already in school? It seems like yesterday I was there for your baby shower!
That is a beautiful quote, thanks for sharing.
Kaitlin & Natalie, we hope you have a wonderful year full of amazing experiences.
Love ya!
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