
Serving is Painful

Actually, quite literally for me right now. I was reminded of this last night in a very physical way when I sliced my thumb with a Swiss knife while helping set-up the props for the program our church’s Drama Ministry was presenting.

Although it is still quite sore, I think my thumb is going to be OK. The incident however, got me thinking about the whole subject of serving. For me serving comes quite natural. Acts of Service is actually my primary Love Language Haha! I tend to want DO things for the people I love or care about. However, just because it comes natural, it does not mean is easy.

At times, I become overwhelmed by all the responsibilities I take on at church. Other times I become resentful that others seem to dodge their own responsibilities because they know that I will pick up the slack. Sometimes I just openly wonder if all the sacrifices, the energy spent, the time away from my family, the putting up with criticism, the getting physically hurt is really worth it.

I have noticed that when I start questioning if it is really worth it it is because I am losing focus of the reason I am serving. I start getting all caught up in the negativity, or the lack of appreciation, or the need for perfection, and start a little pity party taking my eyes off Jesus, “who leads us and makes our faith complete. He endured the shame of being nailed to a cross, because he knew that later on he would be glad he did.” Hebrews 12:2

Do I like the pain? Well, no… and yes. Nobody likes to get hurt or feel overwhelmed at the task at hand. But when I see a group of young people excited about attending and participating in church activities, when I see my daughters interested in helping, being in setting up chairs for Sabbath School or making last minute copies, when a church visitor shares how a children’s presentation touched their heart, I am reminded that yes, it is all worth it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your life seems busy and fulfilling. Your family is lucky to have someone who knows the meaning of the word commitment