
Summer Recap Part 1: It Just Flew By!

Time flies by so quickly! It really is crazy! School starts tomorrow; our summer is coming to an end! Although my favorite season is fall, there is just something about summer ending that makes me sad. One more milestone for the girls. Back to the jam-packed hectic days.

Our job schedules were pretty demanding this summer and we were not able to take much time off. The month of June was consumed with preparations for our church’s VBS.

I was feeling a little guilty that I hadn’t done much with the girls so I started looking at some of the pictures I took during June and felt a little relieved that while most of it was spent shopping and planning for VBS we also took some breaks to go to the park and enjoy some summer treats.

 There were fancy birthday parties, mini-golf and spontaneous games of crocket in the backyard.

In July, we visited Joel’s parents in Nebraska, and the girls stayed with them for most of the month.

Life at Grandma’s house is a non-stop party. If you don’t believe me, just ask Natalie. During the time they spend there, they are the center of attention. They get to do whatever they want, stay up as late as they want. There are always little kittens to pet, games to play, shopping to do, and money to be made. Re-entry to the real world can be a shock to their system.

We tried to ease Natalie back into reality with a visit from some relatives from Florida, a trip to the American Girl Place and some nights at the movies.

Both girls came back to brand-new looking bedrooms.

And this brings us to August, which was looking particularly blah.  The only thing we had in the schedule was our annual visit to the County Fair.  But two weeks ago it suddenly took an exciting turn.

TO BE CONTINUED [Due to my being so tired my fingers are refusing to type anymore]

1 comment:

To The Moon and Back said...

I know how you feel. I have one more week with Emme at home and as much as I'm looking forward to having some alone time at home to get some organizing done, I am so dreading not having her around. I'm going to miss her!

Love your summer recap....I may have to borrow this idea;) Love ya!