
Day Three-Hundred and Twenty-Night: Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here are some scenes of our stay with Joel's parents during Thanksgiving.  I did not take too many pictures this time.The day was low key.  Joel's mom always does a great job with the food, and had actually made most of it before we got there.  So there wasn't too much to do on the actual Thanksgiving day.

The girls lounged around all morning, watching TV and holding squirmy kittens.

Kaitlin and Natalie with Ben and Callie

We got together around 4PM for Thanksgiving dinner and the rest of the evening was spent watching TV.  Not the most exciting thing but relaxing enough.

Natalie and her uncle Brett

Tomorrow, Joel and Natalie are planning on attending the Nebraska vs. Colorado game.  She is really looking forward to it.  Kaitlin went when she was four years old and the noise and excitement was so overwhelming for her she promptly fell asleep for most of the game.  I have a feeling things are going to be different with Natalie.

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving day with your loved ones!

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