
Day Three-Hundred and Thirty-Nine: O' Christmas Tree!

We started the tradition of driving out to the Tree Farm and getting a fresh Christmas tree the year Kaitlin was born. In 2004, after an unfortunate incident with our very naughty puppy, I went out and got our pre-lit tree and never looked back. Earlier this year our basement got flooded and the tree got damaged, so we decided to get a fresh one this year.

Today, off we went to the Christmas Tree Farm.

We decided we wanted a tall and skinny tree this year, so we got a Frasier Fir. It was a relatively pain free experience. [Specially since all I did was take pictures].

It was snowing and cold but that just added to the “magical” feeling. 

 Natalie really enjoyed the experience.

Here, thanks to the "magic" of photoshop is a picture of the four of us.

We got the tree home, trimmed off some branches and set it in place. (I even cut my hand with a knife in the process). It is a lot skinnier than any tree we ever had. Kaitlin came down after the tree was in place and declared it “anorexic”. After examining it for a few seconds Natalie had the following feedback: “Mom, to be honest with you, I liked our fake tree better”.

Personally I like it. Hopefully, once we decorate it the girls will like it better. Stay tuned for the reveal once that is done.
Do you use Artificial or Fresh trees at your home?

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