
Ten Things I’m Thankful For (in random order)

Believe it or not it took me a long time to be able to come up with ten things. I thought of cutting the list short to five, but decided to push myself and come up with all ten. It is so easy for me to focus on the trials and what is going wrong that I could easily write a much longer list of complaints. I had to force myself to focus on the positives. So here they are! Ten Things I'm Thankful for Today:

1. Our yard is free of grass clippings! The whole family pitched in, and after four hours of hard work and sore muscles, everything is picked up and in bags (30 of them) ready to be taken to the dumpster today.

2. The girls have been on time to school every day since school started. That’s five weeks in a row! Feeling pretty accomplished here.

3. The plans for the Church’s Children’s Party in two weeks are pretty firm up. Thanks to my husband for taking some time to seat down with me and giving me his creative input.

4. I can use my work laptop at home so have not missed our home computer that crashed a
month ago. I can still get my dosage of internet surfing.

5. My dad. Always available to help us out, lending us the lawn mower, letting us use his Washer & Dryer, his printer. We have had a series of important breakdowns at home, our washer broke down, our printer is having issues, our computer crashed. It has been one thing after another, but we are doing fine thanks to my dad’s generosity.

6. Relatives interested in our girls Christian Education that are lending us a hand with the cost that comes with it.

7. The book Could it be this Simple? by Tim R. Jennings. This book has really brought me closer to understanding the heart and mind of God and how I can apply this healing truth in my life.

8. Everybody in the family is healthy. Even though we have been experiencing signs of a cold hovering over, so far we have managed to keep it at bay.

9. My sisters. It's great to be able to count on them to share my joys and also life challenges.

10. My job. It's not my dream job but I'm thankful to have it and that I'm able to support my family with it.

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