Thursday Morning
4:30 AM Natalie comes into my room to use the bathroom and then comes to bed with me. My alarm goes off at 5AM but there is no way I can get up. I go back to sleep.
6:45 AM Get up and go downstairs to make breakfast and lunches. I am overwhelmed by the feeling of tiredness. The dishes from dinner are still in the sink. I focus on preparing breakfast for the girls and pack their lunches. Not feeling very creative this morning as far as their lunches.
7:00 AM Kaitlin comes down in her PJs to eat breakfast. I ask her if she is tired, she says no. She looks in good spirits. I make a mental note to keep my grouchiness to a minimum to not mess up her mood.
7:10 AM we both go upstairs to get dressed. I iron their clothes and help Kaitlin with her hair. She wants me to take a picture of me doing her hair.
7:20 AM I start waking Natalie up. She is sound asleep, but gets up in a good mood. She wants to keep her blinders on because the light bothers her. I get her dressed and take her to the bathroom to do her hair. She is in a very playful mood, and keeps acting as if she is blind, walking around bumping into things. I swallow hard to keep my irritability at a minimum and finish doing her hair.
7:30 AM we go downstairs, I serve her breakfast, and I run upstairs to finish getting dressed. I hear Kaitlin starts practicing some piano.
7:45 AM I’m finally done, Natalie is still eating (she likes to take her time), I feel agitated but try not to show it, encourage her to finish quickly while we take the backpacks, etc. out to the car. The kitchen is left a total mess [sigh].
7:48 AM we pull out of the garage and Kaitlin freaks out because the school bus just passed and that means we are running late. Normally the bus passes around 7:55AM; it was running a little early this morning. I remember we did not feed the cats (this is normally Natalie’s job) so I run and do that and we leave. We listen to Natalie’s choir songs on the way to school. She wants to know what “Vida Antigua” (Old Life) means. I explain it means we leave behind our old life of doing things wrong and not following the things Jesus wants us to. She states, “Oh, you mean Satan’s life”. Yes, Natalie, I guess you could also put it that way.
8:05 AM – Drop girls off at school.
8:26 AM – Arrive at my desk.
Wednesday Afternoon
Disclaimer: I am very tired and don't have the energy to revise this too much. Please don't hold it against me if it is a little confusing or has grammar errors.

I was not a very productive person at work today. Had a couple meetings and in between I struggled to keep motivated. I got some things done at work, but don’t feel like the Employee of the Day. I forgot to eat lunch and by 2:30 PM I was starving so had to grab a snack from the vending machine.
3:30 PM – I leave work and drive to Target to buy the girls Christmas presents. Joel and I have known for a while what we wanted to get them and decided it to just go ahead and get it now before the holidays shopping rush begins. I am so excited about it, but can not say what it is at this point.
4:20 PM – Arrive to school to pick up the girls. Natalie is always so happy to see me. We go to pick up Kaitlin in her classroom. She stayed working on a project she has coming up. She also informs me she is sick of my picture taking this week. Natalie stops in the hall to show me her art work hanging on the wall. We stop by Lina’s (Natalie’s former care giver) to pick up Natie’s arepas. Mrs. Lina normally makes them for Natalie on Wednesday and we stop by after choir rehearsal to pick them up, but we weren’t able to do that yesterday. We visit with Lina for a while.
5:00 PM – We leave for home. Natalie falls asleep in the ride home. I bring her in and lay her on the couch. Poor thing has been tired all week long. Kaitlin and I eat and we work for a while on her spelling words for tomorrow’s test. She starts getting a little bit annoyed with me because I keep joking around acting like in her Christmas Musical she is rehearsing for in choir. The Musical is titled the Christmas County Spelling Bee. I finally drop it before things escalate. She hates spelling, so I was trying to make things lighter, but I guess I was doing it the wrong way.
5:30 PM – Kaitlin goes down to watch some TV and I rest on the couch reading a magazine.
6:30 PM – Kaitlin comes up and starts working on a Power Point she needs to take to school tomorrow. I start trying to wake Natalie up to eat something, but she is just passed out. Kaitlin and I talk while she works on her Power Point. I keep trying to “help” her with it, but she keeps insisting she knows everything she needs to do. I do end up teaching her a few tricks.
7:00 PM – Kaitlin goes down again to watch Food Network. I clean the kitchen and mop the floor. Natalie is still asleep. I decide to let her sleep until tomorrow. I carry her up to her bed.
7:30 PM – Kaitlin goes to take a bath while I am still picking up a little around the house.
8:25 PM – I go upstairs thinking she is still in the bathtub, but she is already in bed reading a book. We pray together and say good night. I come downstairs to write this post. Now I am worried Natalie is going to get up in the middle of the night and not want to go back to bed. I hope that won’t be the case.
9:30 PM – Go change the sheets in the basement bedroom. Joel won't be home today until after midnight. I’m going to bed. Have a good night!
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