Due to a mistake on my part, this morning was a complete turn around from yesterday.
I thought I had a dentist appointment at 7AM in Granger and had arranged with Joel to take the girls to school this morning.
5:45AM get up and take a hot bath. My body is so sore and I have a lot of joint pain. I guess I am getting old. My mouth also hurts; I burned the roof of my mouth last night while eating pizza. As I am lying in the tub the feeling hits me that I got the dates mixed up and that my appointment is not until the 29th. I get dressed and ready to leave, but decide to call the office just in case, and yes, the appointment is on the 29th instead.
6:30 AM, I am standing in the middle of the kitchen all dressed up with no place to go. The lunches are made and the girls’ clothes are lay out for them. I do a tired happy dance and go upstairs to start putting some of the laundry away and make my bed.
6:40 AM Kaitlin comes into my bedroom and I inform her of my goof. She gets dressed and goes down to have breakfast. Joel goes down and has worship with Kaitlin and they talk for a bit while she plays her DS and he logs into Webkinz World. LOL! Joel loves Webkinz World. We talk for a little bit while I prepare Natalie’s breakfast “to go”.
7:20 AM I go up to get Natalie up. She is past out and keeps asking that I let her sleep some more. I get her dressed and let her sleep until 7:30 then drag her to my bathroom again, do her hair and brush her teeth. I tell her daddy is still here so that perks her up a little bit. We go down and she talks with Joel for a little bit.
7:36 AM we leave the house. Joel will be staying at his office tonight also. It is in the 30s and still pretty dark outside. Natalie is mad that we have to be up when everybody else seems to be sleeping. I get a little twinge of guilt.
7:56 AM drop girls off at school.
8:20 AM arrive to my desk to prepare for a 9AM meeting.
10 AM decide to write down the notes from the morning before I forget the details.
Now back to the grind! Will post some pictures this evening.
Updated: Wednesday Afternoon

3:06 PM Leave work
3:33 PM Arrive school and pick up girls. Kaitlin has already started on her math homework and we wait for her to finish the problem she is working on.
4:03 PM we arrive home. Kaitlin continues doing her homework. Natalie wants me to work on my “homework”. She prepared this since Monday, but our week has been so busy I had never had a chance work on it. I do not feel like it, but tell her yes, I am finally ready. Very excited she sits me at the table and gives me the instructions of what I need to do. We do this for about 5 minutes and I am finally able to show her my completed work. She thinks I did a great job and puts a sticker on my work. I am glad to check that one off my to-do list :)
4:20 PM I start making dinner. Natalie wants to make herself a peanut butter sandwich to eat with her dinner. Kaitlin asks for a break from homework and goes down to watch some TV; she asks to have her dinner downstairs. When Natalie hears TV, she also wants to go downstairs with Kaitlin.
4:35 PM I take the girls’ dinner down to the basement. The menu is Rice, Lentils & Vegetarian Hot Dog. Not a balanced dinner at all but I am exhausted. I take the food to the girls, and Natalie totally freaks out about having to eat lentils. I have to count to ten, to not freak out myself and just tell her, she does not have to eat it, but that is all I have for dinner. She wants to just eat her sandwich, I say no and just take the food back upstairs. I am exhausted and starting to feel irritable and the thought of going back to choir rehearsal is not a pleasant one. I lie down on the couch and apparently fall asleep.
5:33 PM Kaitlin comes upstairs waking me up. She was supposed to be in church at 5:30 for rehearsal. I offer Natalie the food again to eat in the car, but she refuses. She is very upset and covers her eyes saying she does not want to see anybody. I of course snap a picture, which makes her angrier. Before we even get to the stop sign on our street, she is asleep.
5:50 PM we arrive to church. I drop Kaitlin off and go put gas in the car. Natalie is still asleep. I go back to church, lean my seat back, and take a nap with her in the car.
6:30 PM is time for Natalie’s choir rehearsal, she is still asleep. I try waking her up, but she doesn’t so I just carry her in and hold her while the choir practices. She wakes up for the last 15 minutes of practice.
7:10 PM We leave for home. The girls take a bath as soon as we get home and Kaitlin studies for her history test. Natalie wants me to read to her from her Disney princess book. We read two pages of Pocahontas and I tell her she needs to go to sleep.
8:30 PM I tuck both of them in bed and turn off the lights. I am totally pooped, completely exhausted, lots of back pain. I take the laptop to bed and start uploading the day’s pictures. Natalie comes in 10 minutes later with her bear wondering why I am in bed. I tell her because I am tired. She says, "but you always go do something after we go to bed", I say yes, but tonight I am tired. She goes back to bed while talking to her bear.
9:00 PM I post the morning pictures on the blog. However, just do not have the energy to write the afternoon post. Decide to just go to bed and do it tomorrow.
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