This is a feature over at MckMama's Blog. On Mondays she reveals some of the things she did during the previous week that were less than desirable or even embarrassing in a fun Not Me! Format. I probably will not be doing this every Monday, but decided to go ahead and join in the fun today. These are just a few of the things I did not do this week. The list could be much longer, but why bother you with it, right?
This past week I definitely did not make a rude comment to my mother-in-law as my husband was packing our car for the trip back when she suggested it was too much work for him to do alone. I did not make a snippy comment as to how I was the one that packed it all and he could very well handle loading into the car by himself. I am so glad I did not do that because that would just make me look childish and immature.
In addition, after arriving home from the trip at 4AM I did not really spend the whole day in bed playing with my daughter’s Nintendo DS until around 5PM when I should have been unpacking our things and starting to pick up all the Christmas decorations. Nope, only a lazy, irresponsible mom would do that.
Finally, I did not just completely loose control with my youngest daughter when at bedtime she had a MAJOR meltdown because one of her Barbie’s hair was not curled just right. I did not yell at her and threaten to give all the Barbies away and when that did not work to calm her down, I did not just grabbed the dolls and left her room insinuating that I was going to throw them away letting her go to sleep sad. That would have been cruel and made me look a little bit certifiable (which I am not, of course). Also, after I had calmed down, I did not take the Barbies and curled their hair just right and then put them back besides her bed so that was the first thing she saw in the morning and promptly apologized to her as soon as she woke up.
What a relief! I feel much better now! The week would have been so much worse had I done any of those things!
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