Last year I decided that instead of making a list of New Year's Resolutions I would pick a word that would help guide me through the New Year. I got this idea from Ali Edwards; she has been doing this for some years now.
My word for 2008 was CONNECT. I wanted to make more quality new connections, and repair broken connections in some areas of my life. I would like to say that I made a tremendous improvement, but the truth is that I do not feel I did. Connecting was in the foreground throughout the year, but I feel I was only able to take little baby steps. Keeping the blog, for example, helped me connect with myself, keeping me more aware of my day-to-day dealings, helping me live in the moment a little bit more. To a lesser extent, it also helped me connect with other people.
I also believe I took some steps towards re-connecting with God. However, I feel that although I gained a lot of "head knowledge" I just was not able to implement enough of it and make it a reality in my life. Some of the things I learned, renewed my mind and I can see it's transforming potential. Some of it did seep through my life bringing some positive results; I just feel I came to a place where I hit a wall and the only way to continue this journey involves breaking free from my preconcieved notions and surrendering to Him. This is a journey I want to continue in the new year.
In summary, I feel that although I did not "master" the word CONNECT I gave it a good effort and took steps in the right direction. Baby steps, but steps nevertheless.
While I will continue focusing on CONNECT during 2009, I have been thinking about what word I want to add during 2009. For several weeks I have been thinking about it, playing with different words in my mind, and one word keeps jumping at me and I keep pushing it down to the bottom of the list. For a couple of years now I have had little health problems here and there that I complain about and at the same time ignore hoping they go away. I do not know why, but it gives me some anxiety to think about this and I have been afraid to make the doctor's appointment that I should have. None of my problems are life-threatening, but my quality of life is just not what it should be and I have decided is just silly to keep on going without tackling these issues.
I think once I stop putting it off a great weight will lift off my shoulders. So I have decided that my word for 2009 shall be........... H-E-A-L-T-H. Believe it or not, typing it made me shudder. I have been putting off taking care of myself for too long now, so this year I want to concentrate on getting healthier. My focus is broader than just physical health. Yes, I would also love to loose all this "baby weight" I have been carrying around for over 11 years now, but I want to become healthier mentally and spiritually too.
So. Here is to a New Year with a New Focus!
Are you putting off something you know you should be focusing on instead? Take care of it and let the weight lift off your shoulders also.
1 comment:
Happy New Year. Great word, it has so much meaning.
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