Then for the last year and a half or so, she took to sleeping with blinders on. Several weeks ago, we misplaced them and although we just recently found them again she has not worn them again.

Her new thing since the beginning of this year is wearing layers to bed. On any given night, she goes to bed wearing three or four layers of clothes. It is not just any clothes; she goes through a whole process of choosing which layers to wear and proudly models them for us before going to bed.

At first, I did not think much of it, but since what I thought was a momentary thing has now turned into a “phase” showing no signs of relenting I have started to take pictures of the different outfits she has been going to bed with.

Last week she added two hats to the mix, and last night she wore THREE pairs of slippers.

Is there a good child psychologist out there that could tell me if I need to start worrying about this? :)
1 comment:
Hey, maybe she's onto a new fashion trend here? You never know!
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