Last week Kaitlin’s class was in charge of the Week of Prayer program for the rest of the lower grades. Their teacher did an amazing job putting the program together and getting all the kids involved. Daily during the week, all the classrooms rotated to attend the special program. Joel and I were able to attend one of the presentations the day Kaitlin was the main speaker and really enjoyed it.

Kaitlin usually stays in the classroom with the teacher while waiting for me to pick her up, so she ended up helping the teacher quite a bit getting everything together for the program, something she really enjoyed. She does the same thing when I am preparing a program for church, gets very involved in all the planning and actually contributes very good ideas.

The downside to this is that since she feels a sense of ownership, she takes things more seriously that most kids her age would and gets very frustrated when she sees them goofing off or not doing their best. Every afternoon last week, I had to hear a long list of complaints about this or that kid that would be playing around, or the one that would not dress the part, and it was starting to get old. I am glad that is behind us now.

Easter came and went and we did not do much in the way of celebrating. Both girls were disappointed I did not plan anything for all the cousins as we normally do, but I just did not have the energy. In our family, people have gotten used to the fact that I’m normally the one that plans the big events and nobody else did anything. The girls did color some eggs and Joel planned a small egg hunt inside the house, but there were no Easter Baskets and no family get together. Joel’s mom sent them an Easter package with lots of different goodies, so at least they had that. I felt a little twinge of guilt about the lack of festivities, but not enough to dwell too much on it. There is always next Easter. Yes, this probably earned me a nomination for the Worst Mother of the Year Award.
On Monday, the girls had the day off from school, so we did some of the crafts they had gotten in the box from grandma.

In other news, soccer season has begun and both girls are playing this year. So far, we have had miserable weather. It has been cold and rainy for most practices. I, being a novice soccer parent, keep calling my much more seasoned sisters wondering if there is still practice even tough it is raining, windy, and 40 degrees, and they keep reminding me that unless there is lightning or the field is underwater, games do not get cancelled. A little too much dedication for my taste.
Today was Natalie’s first game and it was so cold that the poor kids had to wear their shirts on top of their winter coats. They all looked like little Pillsbury men running around in their puffy outfits. Natalie, who is very concerned about fashion, at first resisted the idea, but quickly changed her mind. She was however, very concerned that the other kids were going to think she was a boy because of the hat I made her wear.

She enjoyed the game even though, as most kids in her team, she is totally clueless as to how to play. Her favorite part was playing goalie and getting snacks at the end of the game. Kaitlin’s first game will be next week. I hope it starts getting warmer.

While watching the game I overheard a cute conversation between two kids in the sidelines. This little boy, after hearing a little girl talk to her mom in a foreign language asked her “Do you speak German? “No, I speak Czech, do you speak German? “No, Croatian” he replied. That is one of the unique characteristics of this little town, it is a mini United Nations. Just at today’s game, we had parents cheering from the sidelines in Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Czech, Croatian and English. It is quite entertaining to experience.
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