All the fun Natalie had at the pool in Florida seems to be paying off. Yesterday we got an excellent review from her swimming teacher. She did not pass to the next class yet, but her teacher was very impressed with her improvement. Go Natie!

Kaitlin has also been busy. Next week she will be one of the main speakers during Week of Prayer at school and we have been working on getting her presentation together. This has caused some tension as she is definitely displaying a lot more “tween” behavior. In a split second, I go from being the best mom in the world to being the worst. She wants my help but at the same time sees it as an intrusion. Her behavior sends my mood off on a tangent at times, but I try to remind myself to not take it personally. Normally, after a little “episode”, she comes around and apologizes and we pick up where we left off.

Yesterday as I was sitting at the YMCA during Natalie’s swimming class, Kaitlin decided to rest her head on my lap and take a nap. As I sat there playing with Kaitlin’s hair while watching Natalie truly enjoying her swimming class I was overcome with a feeling of thankfulness of being able to be their mother and be able to share with them these little moments. Of course, a few minutes later Kaitlin burst my bubble by declaring me the "worse mother in the world" for waking her from her nap to take her to Piano Lessons and then stomped out of the car stating that I “was not going to get my money’s worth out of her lesson today”.
Oh well, I’m still thankful!

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