
Swords of Light

A while ago Kaitlin joined a hand mime group in church. The group is named S.O.L (Swords of Light). It is composed of nine kids ages 10-14, so as you can imagine, the rehearsals are dramatic, with a lot of bickering and just general wiggling around among the kids.

However, they have been very dedicated and endured long practices for several weeks. This afternoon they presented two songs in church. The first one (with the sticks) they did a couple of weeks ago in church (the one I missed because of my surgery) and people liked it so much they asked them to present it again today. The one of the hands they performed today for the first time.

I think they did great! I am very proud of their performance. Enjoy the videos!


Cloves said...

That second video is so neat. What a great idea.

Rich Aguilera said...

I'm so proud of Kaitlin! They did such a good job. What a blessing to have active tweens in our church!