
A Crafty Kind of Night

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and our church is planning a "Ladies Pink Night" this Saturday night.  I am in charge of the decorations and thought it would be nice to make some custom water bottle labels. 

I purchased THIS digital scrapbooking kit and found a simple tutorial HERE in how to make them and decided to give it a try.  They turned out so cute I decided to share them here.

Click Picture to Enlarge. Right Click and Save As to your computer.
 Tonight I spent some time putting them together.  I am very pleased with the results.  

I also decided to re-decorate the cupcake stand I used for Natalie's Birthday
and get started in some simple centerpieces for the tables.

It had been some time since I had the energy to stay up late and work on crafts.  I enjoyed it but now I'm exhausted.  So off to bed I go.

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